Own Animals

At M2 Organic Farm, the animals eat organic feed and live in spacious facilities with access to free range.

Well-groomed and healthy animals

The M2 Farm follows all the rules of organic animal husbandry. This allows us to produce environmentally friendly products that are useful for humans. We do not use growth stimulants or chemicals and keep animals in conditions close to natural. All animals live in maximum comfort, with access to free range and organic feeds of their own production.

Maintenance and health of animals

Aromatherapy sessions, the right daily routine, delicious and healthy organic food, automatic combs for animals and the warmth of sincere care – we do everything to make the inhabitants of the M2 Farm happy.

Especially for keeping animals we have built spacious buildings with access to free range. When keeping animals indoors, it is of great importance to comply with the standards of zoo hygiene. We make sure that the animals are kept without crowding and control the microclimate in order to maintain the health and well-being of the inhabitants of M2 Farm.

We take care of our animals and carefully monitor their health - they live under the constant supervision of veterinarians. All animals are absolutely tame - they are accustomed to affectionate treatment and are not afraid of people at all. You can always come on an excursion to M2 farm and see for yourself - stroke the goats or feed the calves.

Breeding Farm Status

In December 2019, M2 Farm received the status of a breeding farm.

Only a farm that has a herd of highly productive animals whose offspring are bred for breeding can obtain the status of a breeding farm. Breeding activities are based on the principles of improving the efficiency of livestock breeding and breed preservation in breeding animals. For dairy cattle (Holstein-Friesian) we give control milkings every month, as well as take blood tests for immunogenetics. For beef cattle (Hereford) the tests are done only by blood.

Who lives on the farm?

Aberdeen Angus 1000+

A beef breed - also known as the Black Angus. This breed is native to the counties of Aberdeen and Angus in the northeast of Scotland. It is characterized by the absence of horns. The main color of the mast is black. Already in April at the farm 2019 was the first calving.

Hereford 470+

Hereford animals have a squat, broad body and well-muscled shoulders. The color of the animals is red with a white front part of the head, the underbelly and the lower part of the trunk. In December 2019, the M2 Farm received the status of a breeding reproducer for breeding Hereford cattle.

Holstein-Friesian breed 300+

The breed is considered the best in productivity, but is rather finicky in housing. We try to make sure that the cows avoid stress. For example, a robotic milking system DeLavale (France) is installed in the barn. The system allows us to automate the process of milking (it is more useful for the animal).

Jersey cows 110+

They produce less milk than our other dairy breeds. But the fat content of their milk is far superior to most other breeds. Ideally, the fat percentage is 6%. That is why Jersey cow milk is often used to make butter and cheese.

Simmental 40+

This meat and dairy breed was bred in Switzerland. The color of the animals is predominantly pale and pale-furred. Simmental cows are distinguished by their excellent health and correct udder structure. Cows produce large amounts of milk with a high fat and protein content.

Goats 500+

Now there are now breeds of goats living on the farm: Alpine and Saanenese. Their milk is used to make yoghurt, cheese and other dairy products. We make sure that the goat house is always dry and draught-free. The air temperature in the barn does not fall below +6-7°C even in winter. If there are little goats with them, the temperature should not fall below +8-10°C.

Sheep 800+

We use the milk of Lakayune sheep for our dairy products. For the comfort of the animals, we have built a spacious sheepfold with good air circulation. The sheep are kept in lagoons (hollows) on fresh straw. Warm straw " pillow" allows them not to catch cold even in winter.

Broilers and laying hens 15 000+

We have laying hens of the Highsex breed (brown and white). There are also Cobb broilers on the M2 Farm. We buy incubation eggs for broiler chickens in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. After that, we breed broilers in our own incubator. The birds are kept in a spacious chicken coop with access to free-range and organic feed of their own production.

Ducks and geese 700+

M2 Farm also has ducks and geese. We raise Moulard ducks, a hybrid that is the result of crossing domestic geese with other breeds (such as Peking geese). All birds are kept in conditions as close to natural as possible - free-range and with access to a reservoir.

Pigs 200+

The pigs appeared on the Farm not so long ago - we built a clean and bright pigsty especially for them. All pigs live in separate spacious pens under the constant supervision of a specialist. In October 2019 we had our first litter - six piglets were born at M2 Farm.

Organic feed of own production

The main diet of the animals on the farm - high-quality organic feed of our own production.

Our technologists compose the diet of animals taking into account their biological characteristics. We grow green feed organically in our own fields. Every day we bring a fresh green mass of fields, combine it with mixed fodder in the feed mixer (for each group of animals - separately), and then we distribute the finished feed to the yards. Some of the animals are free-range in the vast grasslands of the M2 farm.

We also built our own feed mill in order to fully control the quality of animal nutrition. We additionally order organic raw materials from proven suppliers from different regions of Russia for the production of feed. This allows us to be sure of the excellent condition of the animals and the excellent quality of our products.

What do the animals eat?

The diet of the animals on the M2 Farm


Juicy feed (grass in summer; silage, haylage and fodder in winter) + voluminous fodder (hay, straw - given both in winter and in summer). Also cattle receive supplemental compound feed to the main diet.

Broilers and layers

The main components of the feed are barley, wheat, corn, full-fat soybeans, fish meal. A high calcium content in the recipe is very important for the laying hens because a lot of it is used for laying eggs.

Goats and sheep

Juicy fodder (grass in summer; silage, haylage and cornage in winter) + bulky feed (hay, straw – give both in winter and in summer). Also, small cattle receive complementary compound feed to the main diet.

Geese and ducks

The compound feed consists of wheat, corn, soybeans, barley, fish meal, calcium, phosphorus and salt. Salt is needed for the production of hydrochloric acid in the bird's stomach.


The pigs' ration consists of self-made mixed fodder and pure water. The feed consists of wheat, oats, barley, corn, oilcake and grass meal.